Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Misconception Comics, Skits, Crafting Dialogue

There are a lot of misunderstood situations in biology.  Based on misconception research, I generated a set of True/False questions that lead even the best students to get multiple questions wrong.  After completing this, students are given the correct answers and must complete a comic strip that shows two people discussing the evidence that show why the statement is either true or false.  Some of the questions are debatable.

Here is the set of questions.  Email me at john.gensic@gmail.com for a set of answers.  

Write T for True, F for False.   Name: ________________ Your Question: _______________
1.) ______ The energy for plants is something that can be spread around a plant and taken up by the roots
2.) ______ Populations will increase indefinitely because the resources are unlimited.
3.) ______ Cells are within the human body, but do not make up the body.
4.) ______  Plants cannot sexually reproduce.
5.) ______  Asexual reproduction is restricted to microorganisms only (bacteria).
6.) ______  Sexual reproduction always involves mating.
7.) ______ Hermaphrodites usually reproduce by having sex with themselves.
8.) ______ Boys get their traits from their dad and girls get theirs from mom.
9.) ______  Inherited traits are blended, but the male parent's characteristics are stronger in expression or always dominant.
10.) ______ Harmful genes are recessive.
11.) ______ Hermaphroditism is the same as asexual reproduction.
12.) ______  There are no fossils that are part reptile part bird.
13.) ______ Evolution has never been observed.
14.) ______  Ecological communities and ecosystems change little over time.
15.) ______ Dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time.
16.) ______ The main source of oxygen in the world is trees.
17.) ______  Protein is the genetic material passed from parent to child.
18.) ______  During sex, the child is passed from the  dad to the mom.
19.) ______ You really can’t do anything about genes you inherit.  They determine your destiny.
20.) ______ Hair is made of protein cells.
21.) ______ Hair is protein made by cells.
22.) ______ Plant get most of their mass from the ground they grow in.
23.) ______ Fingernails are protein made by cells.
24.) ______ Mushrooms are a type of plant.
25.) ______ Bacteria only serve negative purposes.
26.) ______ Bacteria are still evolving.
27.) ______ Bacteria are done evolving, they have already done endosymbiosis to become eukaryotic.
28.) ______ All living things have DNA.
29.) ______ Fossil Fuels will form rapidly, so we will never run out of them.
30.) ______ Life on earth is made of mostly carbon to carbon bonds.
31.) ______ Lipids are made of cells.
32.) ______ Life on earth is made mostly of hydrogen to hydrogen bonds.
33.) ______ When a cheetah eats a water bison, the cheetah gets all of the energy from the bison.
34.) ______ Most plants take in most of their water through their leaves.
35.) ______ Most plants take in most of their water through their roots.
36.) ______ If a parking lot is abandoned, it will stay a parking lot for the next 1,000 years.
37.) ______ Humans don’t go through Natural Selection because of hospitals.
38.) ______ The cell membrane in animal cells is the same as the cell wall in plant cells.
39.) ______ Organisms can make a decision to adapt to their environment.  
40.) ______ Humans are the end of evolution.
41.) ______ Evolution is continuing to happen into the future.
42.) ______ The mitochondria makes sugar
43.) ______ DNA is made of cells
44.) ______ A eukaryotic cell is multicellular.
45.) ______ Plants and chimps do not have a common ancestor

Misconception Scoring Comic/Skits:    Names: ______________________________________________
____ 2 pts. One person starts out with the misconception (incorrect idea)
____ 2 pts. The other person is correct.
____ 8 pts. The correct person must provide evidence (through a situation, observation, location, conversation) for the correct position.
_____ 2 pts. The person who was incorrect in the beginning must re-explain the situation that shows that they understand the correct situation.  This person cannot simply state, “Oh, now I understand.”  They should say something like…  “Now I  understand because __________(insert evidence here)”
_____ 2 pts. Must have a rough draft of the comic/skit before making final product.

Total: _______________/16 pts.

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