Sunday, May 31, 2015

UNEDITED Student Responses "The most important thing Mr. Gensic taught me..."

At the end of each year I use Google forms to have students answer a number of survey questions to help me grow as a teacher.  This is a great way to gather meaningful student feedback quickly and have it recorded without losing it.  In the student survey, one stem I provide is... 

"The most important thing Mr. Gensic taught me was..."

I feel this is a great piece of reflective professional development because it helps me see what students are taking away from the class.  I do NO COACHING of how to answer this question.  I don't say, "Please think more broadly, not content."  I leave it to the student to communicate their response.

Here is the spreadsheet of students' answers to that question along with what my brain thinks as I am reading the responses.  I did no editing of student responses to maintain integrity of the post. 
The most important thing Mr. Gensic taught me was...I'm thinking...
How to grow popcorn seeds.ok
BiologyFor sure
That Justin Bieber ripped of Fievel when he sang "Never say Never", and that
almost everything can be tied back to natural selection.
Nice, I play "Never Say Never" from Fievel in my head
many days while teaching.
Cell partsok
That Justin Bieber ripped of Fievel when he sang "Never say Never", and that
almost everything can be tied back to natural selection.
Thank you google forms for double submitting
this student's survey
The most important thing Mr. Gensic taught me was to
look carefully at problems to
make sure that I don't skip over anything and to develop
a better understanding of the situation.
The facts about evolutionfacts=evidence, ok
The process of protein production.ok
the postitives and negatives of meat industry.ok
Genetics and evolution ok
He taught me everything we needed to cover for the ECAok
How to state an argument and support it.good
How DNA & RNA works.ok
THAT IMMA GENIUS!you are, anonymous student
Natural Selectiongood
His passion for biology was really infectious. I learned more about different
ways to study and how various issues relate to biology.
genetics/evolution ok
biologythat's the title of the course, good
Research from many sources is very importantfantastic, please hold others accountable for this,
except your wife, she only needs one source
Not all Bio teachers are horriblefunny
The nitrogen cycle and how everything connects to natural selectiongood
To be interested in the topic you are learning about.good
Learning about the positives and negatives of a meat tax. good
The most important thing he taught me to think outside the box, and to
question more things in a good way.
outside the box!!! me too!!!
Genetics and evolution. ok
Do the study guides. They are very important to your understanding. yes! do the study guides.
nothing i knew everything from last yearsorry, I messed up here, I need to dig deeper
everything to help me pass my ECAok
Put down an answer even if you don't know it.ok, always try
everything.better than nothing
a lot about science vocab ok, words are important
Do your best always
How to swish 3sI didn't shoot any baskets in front of you, except
in the trash. However, I would always hold the follow
through. Yes, hold the follow through.
about important topics such as the meat tax and how to think deeper good
Everything ok
About cells ok
Teachign how to think more about things."how to think" that makes me feel good inside
Teaching me to think deeper into things.fantastic
about cellsok
Species must be able to adaptor go extinct, I prefer adapt.
I don't knowugh.
that heredity does not ultimately determine who you will be.I hope you feel empowered.
proteins are the basis of traits.ok
Information about the four macromoleculessoo important ;)
How to support a role even if you don't agree with itLawyers?
How genetics can impact your whole life.good
The biology isn't as boring as people think.There are people that think biology isn't important?
Biology can be enjoyable "can be"
Biologyname of course, probably could have said this the
first day of class
Cell Cyclescycles? Why the "s" at the end?
To stay focus and on task and work hard and you will be rewarded in the end Is this student just telling me what I want to hear?
It was in the beginning with the cell partsWhy do you think that was so important?
grade focused?
I learned a lot more about evolution from Mr.Gensic
( Sorry couldn't think of anything specific).
Thanks for the honesty.
learning can be interesting"can be"
Pass ecaok
...more about the basis of life and macro and micro molecules.ok
I don't remember ok, not ok
About Biology and other topics.ok, other topics?
mitochondria creates energyWhat is it, the sun?
About homeostasisgood
everything about cellsok
I learned that that there is a theory that everything on earth has a
common ancestor, and that genes don't control everything.
what homeostasis isgood
All the things he taught us about the meat taxok
the mitochondiria is the powerhouse of the cellok, I hope that helps you later in life somehow.
most of the stuff about the meat taxok
If you want something, you need to work to achieve itonce again, is this what I wanted to hear or an actual answer?
the ecology informationok
biodiversity matters.good, I just planted different plants around my house for
that reason.
science :)Science?
spreadsheetsgood, outside of the box thinker.
the evolution of the planet.I taught about this?
I think everything about biology.ok
the value of bioloogy and its relevance to the real world. fantastic
In biology winners must reproduce!but not now, teenager.
To think outside the boxcool, I think.
Not either
The most important thing Mr. Gensic taught me was everything.
I found it all very helpful and intriguing.
I am glad you were able to discriminate
think outside the boxAm I a weird teacher?
Genes affect who you aregood
Genetics and the ecosystem ok
The most important thing Mr. Gensic taught me about would have
to be either nanotechnology, or the food industries corruptness.
There are many controversial topics in biologyvery true, this is one reason I like teaching it.
Positions on the meat taxok
He taught me how to more accurately record data from an experiment.awesome
How everything connected to the real world.fantastic
How to work with people in group projects better.Are you an honors student who already knows how to
work in groups?
how to appreciate science and how it actually applies to the real world.fantastic
How the Cells in our body work and do anything for us.good
How close humans are to other species and organisms (chimps)good
gentics ok, "genetics"
Have fun with the material being taught and get involved. Have fun, I would have to agree.
Modern day issues have more than two arguments or perspectives,
and it is important to listen to each side.
When reading the book The Genius In All Of Us, we can change our
genes so that we be the person that we want to be and that genes can be changed.
It is more important to learn than to worry about your gradeI agree
Cell cycle ok
A lot about biology ok
Parts of a cell and how cells are made.ok
How biology isn't all about the bodygood point.
how humans became humans from the very first cell in the
world and how cells are structured.
i dont knowsorry
Studying is importantI think so.
Keep trying Absolutely
Everything ok
How important it is to know things about our enviorment and the
things around us that we don't think about and evaluation..
Good, I wonder what you mean by evaluation.
The meat tax unit ok
Always pay attention and don't be on your phone the whole class.Please, don't be on your phone the whole class
Cell function and how Cells are madeok
Good study habits good
stay fired up dont quitStay fired up. I still have middle school
cheerleader cheers
from playing basketball that I cheer to
myself at different
times. "Be aggressive, B-E aggressive"
Pay attentiongood
how cells multiplygood
differences in meiosis and mitosisVery important
what the body does and how things happen inside of us.good
How poeple are different.great
Biology ok
meiosis and mitiosok
bio is hard.interesting, relative to the other responses.
Genetic unit overall.ok
To be a manHmmm???
that ball=lyfeI am not sure what this means...
The different opinions other roles have about biology and life.great
I learned about mitosisok
More about science and about Mitosis and Meosisok
sex cells and healthinesshealthiness?
Always studynever sleep, just study.

I hope this was a humorous educational post.  Here is a link to the complete form.

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